Day by Day cartoon

Monday, March 26, 2007

Purse Pliers! Its about time somebody thought of this!

Turns out, the guy that thought of this perfect idea was Scott Adams. A little quote from his blog-
As you know, there is no way to hold a purse in a manly fashion. After sixty seconds of transporting a designer bag full of Tampons and lipstick, your testosterone will be so low that you’ll be playing field hockey and lactating.
He also has directions on how Purse Pliers should be applied:
The recommended way to lift a purse with pliers is by grabbing the zipper and holding it the way you would hold fresh road kill, at a safe distance from your body, just in case it’s not totally dead. Research has shown that wuss cooties can not cross pliers.
Lucky for me, the BSU doesn't carry a purse as she has forsworn most of the trappings of typical womanhood requirements and leaves all those items at home. But if your significant other carries a purse, you need Purse Pliers!

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